Leftover Sausage Casserole

A really easy meal to prepare tonight. Just myself to take care of as everyone else is out, so I put a baking potato in the oven. This allows me plenty of time to do the dog walking duties, and start watching The Damned Utd with a mug of tea and a couple of cookies. The weekend begins here!

When the potato is nearly cooked I gently reheat the casserole for 20 min. The 2 days spent in the fridge have allowed the flavours to intensify and, if anything, it tastes even better than on Wednesday. Served up in a bowl with a buttered spud, this really could have fed another person, such is the size of the portion. I justify this with the fact that, apart from the 2 sausages, everything else is mainly vegetables and pulses.

Total Cost 0.20p
